A birth or labour doula is a woman who attends the birthing family before, during, and just after the birth of a baby.
She is also called a birth assistant or labour support specialist. She provides emotional, physical, and informational support.<p>
Your doula is trained as an advocate, labour coach, and support partner. She may help ease the transition from labouring at home to the hospital
environment, of changing shifts and medical monitoring. During labour, a doula assists in physical comfort, emotional encouragement,
labour progression through suggestion of various positions, support to the dad/partner, and better communication between the birthing family and caregivers.<p>
A doulas support is non-medical. She empowers the labouring woman and her partner, who might otherwise feel overwhelmed by the powerful forces of labour,
the systematized care in most hospitals, and the amazing miracle of childbirth.
The doulas goal is to support the parents in the birth preferences they choose toward the goal of a wonderfully satisfying welcome of their new baby.<p>
Doula is a Greek word that means woman’s helper and the term was used to refer to the female servant of the woman of the house.
The labour doula is a servant to the needs of women giving birth. <p>
A Mother to Mother doula is a sensitive presence, a comforter. <p> She will provide reassurance,
make suggestions to help encourage labour progress, aid in relaxation, massage, positioning and
other comfort techniques, and help protect your best interests, working for you, not your hospital or caregiver.<p>
<li><a href=”benefits.html” target=”_blank”>Benefits of Labour Support</a><br></li>
<li><a href=”dads.html”target=”_blank”>Information about Dads and Doulas</a><br></li>
<li><a href=”myths.html”target=”_blank”>Reasons Not to Hire a Birth Doula: 10 Myths</a><br></li><br>
<b>**</b>I am currently only accepting previous clients into care at this time. If you would like to receive some names of other doulas in the area, please <a href=”contact.html” target=”_blank”>contact me</a> and I would be happy to provide some referrals. </a>. <p>
Noreen is a certified labour doula (CLD) with the <a href=”http://www.cappacanada.ca” target=”_blank”>The Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association (CAPPA)</a>,
as well as a CAPPA approved doula trainer. If you are interested in becoming a doula, <a href=”service4.html” target=”_blank”>click here</a>. <p>